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From a Fan to a Follower - Isaiah

Since young, I grow up knowing about God however, I never had my own relationship with Him. In 2016, I was invited to Youth Impact Camp. I remembered having an encounter with God at camp when I worshiped and experienced a peace which I could not understand and then, I accepted Christ into my life.

After Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) I entered Zhenghua Secondary School. I was the only one from Impact Life Church. At that point, I knew I was called to evangelise and reach out to my friends. However, I was too afraid to invite people to church because I lived a double life. I knew I was two entirely different people in and out of school. Just to fit in, I would curse just like how some of my friends did. I never dared to speak about Christianity as I was fearful of being judged by others. The lack of courage to share, speak truth or invite friends made me question my purpose in life and this relationship I had with God. This fear of judgement was trying to trap and rob me of all that God had install for me.

One day in school, I noticed that my classmate, Yun Wei, was feeling down. I saw her Instagram and realised that she seemed depressed. I decided to drop her a message to tell her that God could help her and that she did not need to feel so sad. This encouraged her and I invited her to church. When she came, she encountered God and accepted Christ during that worship experience itself! I felt a sense of accomplishment for having the courage to invite her. I was also happy that she could come to know Christ.

Over the past months, many things changed in her, and I’m amazed at how God used the little I could do to impact her life. Even though this happened, things in my life still mostly remained the same. Though I have become more courage to invite people, in my heart, I still had the fear of judgement. Hence, I continued to remain quiet about my relationship with God.

Things started to change in Secondary Three. I was placed in a new class and there were new faces around me. Despite the fear of being judged, I still decided that it was time I played my part to build God’s Kingdom. What struck me was when I realised how God have given be numerous opportunities ti invite my friends when they asked questions about suffering and the meaning of life. However, I let the fear drive me to keep quiet even when I knew the answer and the cure deep down in my heart.

Enough is enough, yes I was fearful, but fear will no longer be my God.

I started inviting my friends for Worship Experience and Life Group. As I invited my friends, one by one, they encountered God and decided to stay. As the number of Zhenghua students attending Youth Impact increase, more of my classmates started to be interested. Something was happening. Within the last few months, my classmate Jasper came. After that came Jerald and Yong Jun. All three of them decided to give their life to Christ! Not only that, the first friend I brought to Youth Impact, Yun Wei, has also invited our classmate, Leonard. Leonard too, decided to receive Christ and will be going on Mission Trip at the end of the year with me! From being the only one from Zhenghua Secondary, to the seven of us now, this showed me that when I choose to put my faith in God and set aside all fears to do His work, God will indeed be faithful.

Now, we have a group called Zhenghua Impact. I was first impacted when I heard about Hua Yi Impact. If God can use them, surely God can use us too! The seven of us plan to impact our school for Christ by praying , sharing and inviting our friends! Even with the little we have, we want to be a blessing to our school. We want to be able to reach out to our classmates so that they can come to know this loving Father as well.

In a recent sermon, Becky preached about the difference between being a fan and a follower. For a long time, I have been a fan of Jesus, comfortably sitting as an audience. All I did was watch Jesus and do nothing. I am glad, now, I have the courage to walk just like Jesus. I choose now to be a follower who is in the game with Jesus, building His Kingdom with Him.

You never know how your actions can impact someone. Don’t let fear decide for you how many opportunities you are going to miss. We are not called to be mere fans, but to live larger lives than that.
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